Tuesday, October 11, 2011

LinkedIn.com App: Reading List by Amazon

I have profiles on just about every stupid social media site out there. Twitter? Yes. Fb? Duh. About.me which nobody has even heard of? Obviously.
So needless to say, I have a LinkedIn profile. For an internship at my college's Career Services this past spring semester, actually not all that long ago contrary to the way it feels, I made a video on maximizing your LinkedIn profile for personal career-oriented success. That video can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Npy_gakaNaE. Cute, right? Yep that's my voice.

So anyway, now that I am gainfully employed I really have no use for LinkedIn. Yes, I know this is pretty much the worst attitude on networking ever, as the smart people network while they have a job so they are better equipped to find one should the day come that they are in need. This is true. So I'm not neglecting it completely, I'm just updating it less, since there is less content that I feel the need to put up.
Except for  this:

This is Amazon.com's reading list application for LinkedIn, an extremely simple way for me to organize the books I've just finished, the books I want to read, and the books, .. well that's it. I can also write recommendations should I so choose for future employers to read. Currently I have 0 followers and 0 friends that also have the list app, which is just as well, because I don't know if I'm ready to have a full-on community of readers, but if I did want one, I'd know where to turn.
For now this is really just a means of cataloging the many books I'm attempting to read on my 2+ hour commute to/from work. You know, the ones I didn't read in high school or college, or the ones I want to read again, and some others. It's just an excellent way to stay on top of what you've read and not completely forget about it once it goes back to the library.

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